
Nepal water project a success

Sister Aisha Kavalakattu is featured in a short documentary by Father Roy Sebastian, SJ, about the Koshi Dekha water project in Nepal.

A Vincentian View: Joseph and Psalm 127 – Building and Sleeping

The idea of building a house attracts me when I think of Joseph.

Dead Horse Theory

The tribal wisdom of the American Indians says that when you discover that you are riding a dead horse, the best strategy is to dismount.

Delight Others, and Not Ourselves

The wisdom of God made flesh dwells with us.  He is delighted to be with us.  But he wants, first of all, to delight us. The scribes and the Pharisees time and again test Jesus.  At best, they seek to connect with him.  At worse, they set a snare for his steps.  But...
Fulfillment of Jesus Christ to the End

Fulfillment of Jesus Christ to the End

Jesus brings fulfillment to the law and the prophets.  Accordingly, he gives to the Passover meal its full meaning.  To take part in the Eucharist is to share in the fullness of Christ. Jesus and his disciples are pilgrims in Jerusalem.  And they celebrate there the...

A Canadian View: Migrant Workers in Canada

A Canadian View: Migrant Workers in Canada

In Canada we use a fair number of migrant workers in the agricultural field. The federal government offers a  temporary seasonal worker program for this need. Many of these workers come from Mexico and other central America countries, as well as Jamaica. While in...

The Face of Forgiveness

The Face of Forgiveness

The Face of Forgiveness (Psalm 4) In perhaps an awkward way of putting it, one of the psalms has us asking a favor from a face – the face of God. “Lord let your face shine upon us” and a little later, “Let the light of Your face shine upon us.” (Ps. 4). The phenomenon...