
A Vincentian View: The Synod and the Spirit

Whenever I have taught the Epistles of Paul or instructed lectors on these texts, I emphasize that one must read these letters as if they were addressed to oneself and to a Christian community gathered to hear them. 

Pope Francis – Magi School of Seekers Visiting Professor

I thought I was finished with the feast of the Epiphany for this year. Then I read the text of Pope Francis’ homily on the feast.

Vincentian Prayer Images: One of the Great Saints of History XVI

The Daughters of Charity should consider the poor as their lords and masters…

New video in the Seton Shrine’s Seeker to Saint series: Finding Mary

Our relationships shape who we are — the good relationships and the difficult ones. Mother Seton’s life was filled with difficult relationships that left her wounded.

Money That Is Not Deemed Righteous

Embrace of Love for All of God’s Children

Jesus is the firstfruits of the resurrection.  Those who love as he does, and embrace lovingly even the wicked and the thankless, live in the newness of life. Luke took liberty with Is 61, 1-2, the passage that Jesus read at the synagogue in Nazareth.  The Gospel...