
Is God Tired of Waiting for Us Among the Poor?

Some words stay with you for a lifetime! Sometimes front and center. Other times they sit just beneath the surface… like a quiet motor doing its job unnoticed.

Vincent, Pope Francis and the Eucharist

“Love is creative even to infinity.” Those words of St. Vincent are frequently quoted to remind us to show love to others.

Seeing What’s There (John 9:39)

How many times have you heard people use the phrase, “I finally woke up?”

Jesus – the Ultimate Bridge Builder

Over a lifetime, we each learn the stories of where we fit and don’t fit, and who are our good and bad guys.

Lead God’s Flock in the Same Way as Jesus

Lead God’s Flock in the Same Way as Jesus

Jesus shows what God does to lead his flock.  And so, he also gives a model for his shepherds. The crowds longed for someone to lead them out of the mess, a Messiah to guide a people in trouble.  But they ended up disappointed since they did not want a suffering...