
Create in Us a Clean Heart

During this season of Lent, I have had the opportunity to read daily reflections from two different books.  One that was particularly striking to me was from Give Us This Day, and was written by Sr. Irene Nowell, OSB. 

The Passion of Christ

The famous 2004 film, The Passion of The Christ, directed by Mel Gibson, depicted very vividly the passion which Jesus underwent, especially during the last twelve hours of his life here on earth.  The film opens up with a touching visualization of Jesus’ prayer...

Palm Sunday Reflection

A short reflection for Palm Sunday for the Vincentian Family (slide presentation).

I Thought I Knew the Apostles!

I have read and preached about the apostles for more than 50 years. I am just now discovering questions I wish I had asked… and prayed about.

Sisters and Brothers All by Blood

Sisters and Brothers All by Blood

Jesus is the only Son who is in the bosom of the Father.  Through him, we are children by adoption, and so we cry, “Father,” which then means we are sisters and brothers. Jesus says that his mother, sisters and brothers are those who do God’s will (Mk 3, 35).  It...