
Statement on the Situation in Syria from the Vincentian International Network for Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation (VIN-JPIC)

"Five years ago, the leaders of the humanitarian organizations of the United Nations made an urgent appeal to all those who could put an end to the conflict in Syria and asked them to enact all possible efforts to save the Syrian people.” Enough is enough," they said,...

SSVP: 185 Years of Charity and Love With Those Who Suffer

185 years ago, on April 23, 1833, a group of Catholic French laymen, devout and visionary, joined to found the first "Conference of Charity," years later known as the "Society of St. Vincent de Paul." What motivated those men of faith was the practice of charity,...

Love for the Poor and Marian Devotion Gather Over 40,000 Vincentians at a Pilgrimage in Brazil

An event of gigantic proportions. This is a good definition of the pilgrimage celebrated in Brazil on March, 24 and 25. The largest Marian shrine in the world, that of Our Lady Aparecida, hosted the largest agglomeration of Vincentians worldwide. About forty-thousand...

Vatican Video: On the Call to Holiness in Today’s World

On Monday, April 9, the Vatican released the latest Apostolic Exhortation from Pope Francis: Gaudete et exsultate: On the call to holiness in today’s world. Watch the Vatican Media video below which highlights the theme of this latest Apostolic Exhortation. [youtube...

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