
World Day of the Poor: Pope Francis will bless a sculpture that invites the world to care for the homeless

The sculpture ”Sheltering” will be unveiled next Wednesday, November 9, in St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican. The sculpture seeks to promote the Vincentian Family’s “13 Houses Campaign” to provide material and spiritual help to people suffering from homelessness around the world.

The Executive Board of the Vincentian Family Meets In Rome

The annual meeting of the Executive Board of the International Vincentian Family began on Monday, November 7th and will continue until Friday, November 11th.

UK Embassy opens Depaul Kyiv Day Centre

After words of welcome, Fr. Vitaliy spoke about the founding of Depaul in Kharkiv in 2006 and its journey to becoming a lifeline for the country’s homeless ever since.

Ukraine: We are battling war. Soon we will battle frostbite and hypothermia

Russia’s war on Ukraine has brought so much pain and suffering. It has resulted in a humanitarian crisis which will only get worse as winter approaches.

SVDP USA Is Hiring

SVDP USA Is Hiring

The National Council of the United States Society of St. Vincent de Paul is hiring an Associate Director of Poverty Programs / Director of Immersion Program.