
Rethinking homelessness: ‘connection and coordination’ seen as keys to fresh response

An evening of networking sponsored by the archdiocese to help connect individuals and organizations involved in charitable activity among Vancouver’s neediest populations.

SVdP Announces Episode 5 of Our Faith in Action Season 2 on EWTN

“Our Faith in Action: Today’s Society of St. Vincent de Paul” will wrap its season 2 premiere week special event on EWTN Global Catholic Network on December 2 at 5:30 PM EASTERN / 4:30 PM CENTRAL.

COP27, Delivering For the People and the Planet

Climate change affects us all. We share this beautiful gift of the Earth.

Francis blessed “Sheltering”, a sculpture that promotes the Vincentian Family’s “13 Houses Campaign”

He did so at his usual Wednesday audience in St. Peter’s Square. “Sheltering” seeks to promote the “13 Houses Campaign” to provide material and spiritual help to people experiencing homelessness around the world.