
What Can the Indigenous People of the Amazon Teach Us?

The emergence of indigenous peoples in society and in the Church has been recognized by the Latin American Bishops as a new Pentecost, a Kairos, a sacred moment of encounter for all.

Increase Faith and Stir It into Flame

Jesus Christ is the leader and perfecter of our faith (Heb 12, 2). It is right, then, that we ask him to increase always our faith. Faith is a divine gift (Rom 12, 3; Phil 1, 29; 2 Pt 1, 1). That is, God, Jesus or the Holy Spirit gives it to us. We ask it, then, from...

Vincentian Prayer Images: Poor Driven Out by War

Let the image and the quote sink in, and take root. These images might surprise you into prayer at various points in your...

Taking Care of the Spirit and our Salvation

We take care of our physique, of our intellect, of our food, clothing, housing, employability; But do we take care of the spirit as we should?

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