
The Synod as an Emmaus Journey!

Seeing beyond each personal experience! Isn’t that what the Synod is about? We hear the Spirit and recognize the inadequacies of our individual understandings regarding the the needs of peoople in other parts of the world.

Call to Repentance and Salvation

The Son of Man has come to seek out and save sinners. We can answer him because he is the first to call us to repentance and salvation. Zacchaeus badly wants to see who Jesus is. Never mind that he is short. Wouldn’t it be sad if those who call out to say Jesus is...

Vincentian Prayer Images: Common Sense Or Indiscreet Zeal

Can I recognize when I used common sense and when I was indiscreet?

Spirituality, Commitment and Passion

A reflection on the three characteristics of a Vincentian Leader: spirituality, commitment and passion

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