
Communion among Ourselves and with Others

Jesus does not look out for his interests, but for those of others. To follow him we need to be in communion among ourselves and with others. The devil seeks to break up Jesus’ communion with others. For what he is after is for Jesus to turn his back on his calling...

Vincentian Prayer Images: St. Vincent on the Role of Women

St. Vincent de Paul 1658 “do we not have an obligation to give women their rightful place in the Church?”

Vincentians and Evangelization: Two presentations on a theme

What is the image of a Vincentian Evangelizaer? What is the message that Vincentian Evangelizers deliver?

What’s the Difference Between Prayers and Praying?

Prayer is like being in the presence of someone who loves us greatly. We spontaneously try to become like the beloved.

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