
“Journey of the Heart” Lenten Video Series from Basilica Shrine of the Miraculous Medal – Part 2

Three people reflect on how the Ash Wednesday experience enriches their faith.

A Vincentian View: What a Difference a Day Makes

Ash Wednesday follows Mardi Gras – “Fat Tuesday.” The days stand out as contrasts.

“Journey of the Heart” Lenten Video Series from Basilica Shrine of the Miraculous Medal – Part 1

Reflections on the symbolism of receiving ashes on this day.

Beginning of the Path: Reflections on Ash Wednesday

“Create in me, O God, a pure heart, renew in me a steadfast spirit. Do not repel me from your presence and do not deprive me of your holy spirit” (Ps 50[51]:12-13). Ash Wednesday begins Lent, bringing with it an invitation to reflection and inner renewal. This holy...
Supreme Value of the Kingdom of God

Supreme Value of the Kingdom of God

On top of being the scribe who is trained in the kingdom of heaven, Jesus embodies also the supreme value that this kingdom is. The teaching is clear that the kingdom of heaven is the supreme value.  For there is this saying:  “Seek first the kingdom of God and his...