
The Strength of Our Elders

It is the elderly who can best offer us the resilience and the strength that we need to live through these days and do so with hope for the future.

Help Homeless People While Socially Distancing?

What can I do in this time of social distancing? The highly committed and knowledgeable folks at Invisible People offer many ways you can contribute to the welfare of homeless people in your community— all while maintaining social distance. Here is what I learned from...

A Vincentian View: Lessons Learned

The situation caused by the coronavirus has provided a certain level of instruction for many of us. 

The Reality of the Church – Then… and Now

The church of almost 2000 years ago Many times we think of an idealized version of the early community as presented in the second chapter Acts 2:42 and repeated in the fourth chapter Acts 4:32 to highlight the importance for St. Luke. ... they devoted themselves to...

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