
Does Jesus Want Us to Build Back Better?

When I was growing up there was a wonderful series on that still new medium … television.

Visits that Are Christian, Marian, Vincentian

Jesus is the fullness of God’s visits to us humans to save us.  The visits we pay to our neighbor should be like Jesus’. Mary is besides herself after the angel Gabriel’s visit.  That is to say, she cannot keep her joy to herself.  So, she goes in haste, since she has...

Vincentian Prayer Images: One of the Great Saints of History XI

St. Vincent wrote: “We are living on the patrimony of Jesus Christ, on the sweat of the poor.”

A Vincentian Minute: Thoughts on Blessed Frederic Ozanam, Part 3

Fr. Aidan Rooney, C.M. wraps up his video series on Blessed Frederic Ozanam, one of the principal thinkers of the Vincentian Way.

Arms Outstretched, Brow Sweating Blood

Arms Outstretched, Brow Sweating Blood

Jesus loves us with the strength of his arms and the sweat of his brow.  He dies for us so that we may no longer live for ourselves but for him and others. Loving us to the end, Jesus lays down his life for us.  That is how we come to know love.  It is not a matter of...

Embracing the Discomfort

Embracing the Discomfort

For so long, I had this unsettling feeling of urgency to seek the things I used to avoid for fear of feeling uncomfortable. On top of my responsibilities of a full-time student and employee, I had an extracurricular workload that kept me regularly occupied. And yet, I...