
The Call of the Vincentian Charism: Reflections on the 61st World Day of Prayer for Vocations

Find out how the Congregation of the Mission welcomes Pope Francis’ invitation to be “pilgrims of hope” and “builders of peace”, deepening the papal message and praying together for missionaries and vocations.

Experience, the Mother of Knowledge • A Weekly Reflection with Ozanam

We are convinced that the science of charitable reforms is not learned in the books or in the tribunes of the public assemblies, but by going up to the hovel of the poor, sitting at their bedside, suffering the cold they suffer. Then, in friendly conversation, we have...

Louise de Marillac: Animator of the Confraternities of Charity

In May 1629, Vincent de Paul made a request of Louise de Marillac. Would she accept going to Montmirail to visit the Confraternities of Charity established in that town and the neighboring villages?

Undervalued Gift

I am finally becoming aware of the gift I have taken for granted all my life. The home we call Planet Earth. I suspect I am not alone in this.

Destroy the Idols that Make Us Slaves

Destroy the Idols that Make Us Slaves

Jesus, the only Son who is in the bosom of the Father, makes him known. For us to see him, then, is to see the Father, which gives us reason to destroy our idols.  Jesus teaches in the synagogue of Capernaum. He amazes those who hear him, since he strikes them as one...