
What Wise People are in your Life?

A truly wise person helps you to see, and helps you step back to get perspective.

Contemplation: To Discern, Not to Decide

This post originally appeared on In the Society of St Vincent de Paul, “all decisions are made by consensus after the necessary prayer, reflection and consultation.” [Rule, Part I, 3.10] In other words, we don’t simply vote the minority “off the island,”...

Calm in the Middle of the Storm

By trusting in the Lord Jesus we can stay calm even when evil seems to triumph.

Vincentian Places 14 – Hôtel-Dieu, Beaune

The Hotel-Dieu was built in the 15th century as a hospital. This is typical of the hospitals that the church operated in the time of St. Vincent de Paul.

Deny, Slap, Beat, Crucify Jesus

Deny, Slap, Beat, Crucify Jesus

Jesus, in life and in death, is one with those who are poor, who have no power, whom others cast out. Hence, we cannot but deny him if we turn our backs on them. We read that many give false witness against Jesus before the Sanhedrin but that they do not agree in what...