
Vincent de Paul: A groundbreaking humanitarian

More than 350 years after his death in 1660, the life and trailblazing humanitarian work of Vincent de Paul – canonised in 1737– continues to be celebrated.

A Vincentian Minute: Windows on Saint Vincent’s Vision (Part 6)

In this series Fr. Rooney explores Fr. Jack Melito, CM’s inquiries into the experiences that shaped Vincent de Paul’s life.

Advent Reflections (Day 23)

Our Advent series examines the virtue of gentleness through daily reflections from the book “Seasons in Spirituality” by Fr. Robert Maloney, C.M.

Systemic Change Commission Advent Reflection, Collaboration for Social Impact

In preparation for Christmas the Systemic Change Commission invites you to a weekly offering of Advent Reflections. Collaboration for Social Impact.