
The Pope Video • For Victims of Abuse

“The Pope Video” series continues! Watch the latest 2-minute installment: For Victims of Abuse.

Journey Through Lent With Saints Vincent and Louise (March 04)

St. Vincent and St. Louise speak to us in a brief quote for each day of Lent.

Fr. Maloney Reflects on Pilgrimage as a Metaphor

Pilgrimage is a metaphor for Lent, for our journey with the poor, and for the whole Christian life.

What I Learned in the ER

Try to “listen” for the backstory of at least one conversation today.

Walk before the Lord with Faith

Walk before the Lord with Faith

Jesus gives us a model to follow so that we may do what he does.  We only need to walk with him to learn to walk before the Lord. One can guess that Abraham cannot help to walk sometimes with nearby peoples.  It would be odd, then, if he does not know that they make...