
Life Founded on Evangelical Maxims

In the Gospel of St. Matthew, Jesus concludes the Sermon on the Mount by saying, “Everyone then who hears these words of mine and acts on them will be like  wise individuals who built their house on rock…And everyone who hears these words of mine and does not act on...

Faith in the Redeemer

As we are about to conclude the great season of Easter with the feast of Ascension and Pentecost, it is good to remind ourselves the meaning and the significance of salvific events we celebrated in this liturgical season.

A Vincentian Minute: Signs of New Life and Eternal Life, 5

Latest episode of Fr. Rooney’s series uncovering where life may be found in the Easter Season.

The Pope Video • For Ecclesial Movements and Groups

“The Pope Video” series continues! Watch the latest 2-minute installment: For Ecclesial Movements and Groups.

How Did America Get So Mean?

How Did America Get So Mean?

Noted columnist David Brooks caught my attention! In a September 2023 reflection in the Atlantic Monthly (Subscription required), he wrote Over the past eight years or so, I’ve been obsessed with two questions.  The first is: Why have Americans become so sad? … My second, related question is: Why have Americans become so mean? 

Delight Others, and Not Ourselves

Delight Others, and Not Ourselves

The wisdom of God made flesh dwells with us.  He is delighted to be with us.  But he wants, first of all, to delight us. The scribes and the Pharisees time and again test Jesus.  At best, they seek to connect with him.  At worse, they set a snare for his steps.  But...

Delight Others, and Not Ourselves

Constitutive, Indispensable, Crucial

Jesus is constitutive of the Christian community.  Do we say and live this as St. Vincent? Moises makes clear what truly matters.  Jesus does so too.  For the two of them, it is not about us.  Or the group that we make up, chosen and gifted so as to serve others. ...