
Remember Where You Were on 9/11?

I don’t think I will ever forget the morning of 9/11/2001. The phone rang. A close friend could barely say “Turn on television… the World Trade Center…”  She could not finish the sentence!

Reach by Grace the Unreachable Star

Jesus is not of the world.  Nor are his true disciples.  They get to reach what we who are humans find hard to reach. There is no doubt that the way Jesus teaches is not the same as others’ way.  For he teaches with authority, not as the scribe.  Also, there is such a...

Vincentian Prayer Images – Art By Vincentians 21

Share your thoughts on a weekly image of artwork made by members of the Vincentian Family.

Live with a Higher Purpose

There is a beautiful story which tells us about the importance living with a sense of higher purpose in our daily life. Once a man was passing by a construction site. The workers were busy with their different kinds works. He was curious to know what they were doing....
Burn with Zeal for the Kingdom of God

Burn with Zeal for the Kingdom of God

Jesus cannot but burn with zeal for God’s kingdom.  For he has come to proclaim it, to bring it in, and to bring it about to the full. In many places, trees, houses and other things burn in fires.  We are sorry, of course, for the deaths, losses and harm that fires...