
Five Vital Points • A Weekly Reflection with Vincent

"You should know, Sisters, that Our Lord willed to experience in His own person every kind of distress imaginable. The scriptural expression is that He willed to be regarded as a scandal to the Jews and a folly to the Gentiles (1 Cor 1:23) to show you that you can...

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton and the Blessed Virgin Mary

New presentation featuring selections from the writings of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton about the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Nunc Dimitis: The Christmas Song of Simeon

St. Luke concludes the good news of Christ’s birth with this beautiful canticle of Simeon, which traditionally is called as Nunc Dimitis; “Master, now you are dismissing your servant in peace, according to your word; for my eyes have seen your salvation, which you...

Homes in the Kingdom of Heaven

Jesus is like us in all things but sin.  He is not a stranger to the joys, sorrows, light and glory that our homes know. They say that tough times bring out the best and the worst in us and, of course, in our homes.  In the face of crises and uncertainties, some folks...