Congregation of the Mission

Chronicle of the 43rd General Assembly of the Congregation of the Mission, July 6

We gathered in the Merry del Val Assembly Hall and prayed that the Holy Spirit might guide our work and enlighten us. A video about the 13 Houses Campaign was then presented to the delegates. The minutes from the previous day were read by Corpus DELGADO and approved....

Interview with Father Joel Bernardo CM, Executive Director of the Vincentian Solidarity Office

We interviewed Fr. Joel Bernardo CM, executive director of the VSO, during a break in the General Assembly of the Congregation of the Mission taking place in Rome

Chronicle of the 43rd General Assembly of the Congregation of the Mission, July 5

Today, Fr. Gregorio Bañaga, Visitor of the Province of the Philippines, was elected new Vicar-General, and he joyfully accepted this call.

Fr. Gregorio L. Bagaña Jr, CM, new Vicar-General of the Congregation of the Mission

Gregorio Bañaga, CM, of the Philippine Province, was appointed the new Vicar General of the Congregation of the Mission.

Address of the Holy Father to Participants in the General Chapters of the Congregation of the Mission and Other Religious Orders

Address of the Holy Father to Participants in the General Chapters of the Congregation of the Mission and Other Religious Orders

Pope Francis underlines the importance of evangelization, saying that it should be oriented towards witnessing and proclaiming the Gospel, in his address to the members of the Order of the Mother of God, the Basilian Order of St. Josaphat and the Congregation of the Mission as they hold their General Chapters.