Ross Dizon


Have your boarding pass ready

Third Sunday in Ordinary Time (B), January 25, 2015 – Jon 3, 1-5. 10; 1 Cor 7, 29-31; Mk 1, 14-20 The time is running out (1 Cor 7, 29) The proclamation of the kingdom of God is also an invitation to repentance. “The kingdom of God is not a matter of food and drink,...

Up close and personal

Second Sunday in Ordinary Time (B), January 18, 2015 – 1 Sam 3, 3b-10. 19; 1 Cor 6, 13c-15a. 17-20; Jn 1, 35-42 Whoever is joined to the Lord becomes one Spirit with him (1 Cor 6, 17) Our Lord reveals himself to the clean of heart who show interest in him. He offers...

Random acts of kindness

Baptism of the Lord (B), January 11, 2015 – Is 42, 1-4. 6-7; Acts 10, 34-38; Mk 1, 7-11 He went about doing good (Acts 10, 38) We the baptized are authentic followers of Jesus if we, in imitation of him, are God’s humble and suffering servants. Jesus humbly undergoes...

Take your pick

Epiphany of the Lord (B), January 4, 2015 – Is 60, 1-6; Eph 3, 2-3a. 5-6; Mt 2, 1-12 The Gentiles are coheirs (Eph 3, 6) Those who, like St. Elizabeth Seton, are open to others’ interests are guided to the light, while those who lock themselves up in their own...

Casa Santa Marta, not Palazzo Apostolico

Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph (B), December 28, 2014 – Sir 3, 2-6. 12-14; Col 3, 12-21; Lk 2, 22-40 Put on … heartfelt compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience (Col 3, 12) God wants us to be humble and holy in his sight. In Nazareth, sharing...

Not your usual dynasty builder

Fourth Sunday of Advent (B), December 21, 2014 – 2 Sam 7, 1-5. 8b-12. 14a. 16; Rom 16, 25-27; Lk 1, 26-38 To the only wise God, through Jesus Christ, be glory forever and ever (Rom 16, 27) Jesus is the long-awaited Messiah. He comes to establish fully and definitively...

Genuine leather belt and camel hair

Third Sunday of Advent (B), December 14, 2014 – Is 61, 1-2a. 10-11; 1 Thes 5, 16-24; Jn 1, 6-8. 19-28 Do not quench the Spirit (1 Thes 5, 19) With God at our side, we shall never be shaken. He is the eternal reality, the solid truth, which affords us full security....

Late then, late now?

Second Sunday of Advent (B), December 7, 2014 – Is 40, 1-5. 9-11; 2 Pt 3, 8-14; Mk 1, 1-8 Hastening the coming of the day of God (2 Pt 3, 12) The Good News is, by definition, new. But it is also ancient; in the beginning it was with God. The Good News begins with the...

Walk for the poor

First Sunday of Advent (B), November 30, 2014 – Is 63, 16b-17. 19b; 1 Cor 1, 3-9; Mk 13, 33-37 God is faithful (1 Cor 1, 9) Repentant, we wait in joyful hope for the coming of our forgiving Savior. The prophet Isaiah confesses with sadness and humility the failings of...

Questioning authority

Thirty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Jesus Christ, King of the Universe (A), November 23, 2013 – Ez 34, 11-12. 15-17; 1 Cor 15, 20-26. 28; Mt 25, 31-46 That God may be all in all (1 Cor 15, 28) The kingship of Jesus Christ puts into question all other kingship. He...