Ross Dizon


Banquet for the holy and not so holy

Banquet for the holy and not so holy

Jesus invites even sinners to the banquet of the kingdom. The strict practitioners of religion complain once again that Jesus welcomes sinners and eats with them. They probably deride him, whispering to each other, “You cannot take him to any banquet.” But again, too,...

Banquet for the holy and not so holy

Repentance: believing and living the Gospel

Our merciful Lord listens to sinners who cry out to him. He takes no pleasure in their death, but in their repentance, so that they may live and bear much fruit. Jesus makes it clear that we are all in need of repentance. He warns that if we do not repent, we will...

Banquet for the holy and not so holy

Prayer, mission, evangelization

A man of prayer, Jesus is capable of everything, of living the hard truth even that there is no glorification without crucifixion. Jesus is devoted to prayer. He is, according to St. Vincent de Paul, “a man of the greatest prayer” (SV.FR IX:415). Or, as Father Robert...

Banquet for the holy and not so holy

Near to us is the saving Word of God

Jesus is near us so that he may save us who cry out to him and call on his name. No one is more near to us than Jesus, the Word made flesh and dwelling among us. He is “God-with-us.” He is near us in many ways. He is within our reach in the least of his brothers and...

Banquet for the holy and not so holy

Master and Teacher thrice holy

Jesus is our Teacher and Master, which also means we must learn to do everything that he commands and teaches by words and works, and to proclaim his Gospel. Setting aside his experience and knowledge as a fisherman, Simon believes in the words of the carpenter from...

Banquet for the holy and not so holy

Prophet also means rejected

Jesus states he is a prophet with the same destiny as the other prophets rejected by their own people. He explains that he is God’s good and amazing Word to the poor. And right away he is revealed as a prophet. That is because, notwithstanding their initial expression...

Banquet for the holy and not so holy

Evangelize the poor with certainty

Jesus has been sent to evangelize the poor. God anointed him with the Spirit for this mission. But to evangelize is not something “spiritual” in the sense of “unreal” or “useless” even. To evangelize is not just to announce the Gospel by word and in an abstract...

Banquet for the holy and not so holy

New undoubtedly and completely

Changing water into wine, Jesus is manifested as the Author and Perfecter of the new thing prophesied in Is 43, 19: “See, I am doing something new.” Jesus makes use of “six stone water jars … for Jewish ceremonial washings.” Could this be another way of saying that he...

Banquet for the holy and not so holy

Solidarity with Jesus and our neighbor

By being in solidarity with us, Jesus equips us for solidarity that will lead us to accept those we find difficult to accept. All the people come to John to be baptized. In solidarity with them, Jesus, without knowing any sin, submits humbly and prayerfully to the...

Banquet for the holy and not so holy

Seek earnestly the light of the nations

God reveals himself to the Gentiles who seek him with all their heart. He offers them the opportunity to be “coheirs, members of the same body, and copartners in the promise in Christ Jesus through the Gospel.” The Magi, wise for knowing how to recognize humbly that...