Ross Dizon


Vision that Evangelizes and Saves

Vision that Evangelizes and Saves

We discover in Jesus the vision without which we perish demoralized. It is hard even for those who are faithful to keep faith alive and to take as norm the vision of the kingdom of God and his righteousness.  As in Habakkuk’s case, what drives them to question faith...

Vision that Evangelizes and Saves

Indifference is Dehumanizing and Damning

Jesus is God's resounding “no” to indifference toward the needy. The parable of the unnamed rich man and poor Lazarus condemns indifference toward the poor and helpless. It is not that the rich man is explicitly unjust. Apparently, it does not bother him that...

Vision that Evangelizes and Saves

Creative and Wise Search for the Kingdom

Jesus teaches us the creative and wise search first of the kingdom of God and his righteousness. Undoubtedly, the children of this world look for the power and glory of all the kingdoms of the world very shrewdly and in a creative way.  To verify this, one only needs...

Vision that Evangelizes and Saves

Sinners We Human Beings All Are

Jesus is one with us sinners.  Just like his Father, he takes no pleasure in our death, but rather in our conversion, that we may live. Jesus is concerned about sinners, which shocks the Pharisees and the scribes.  They complain, “This man welcomes sinners and eats...

Vision that Evangelizes and Saves

Way that Leads to Truth and Gives Life

Jesus guides our feet into the way of the Kingdom of God. Great crowds follow Jesus who is on his way to Jerusalem.  But quality is more important to him than quantity.  Hence, he lays out his demands in a disconcerting way. First, Jesus demands that those who seek...

Vision that Evangelizes and Saves

Humble before God because Truth Demands It

Jesus is the definitive divine word that teaches us to be humble.  He is also the perfect response of humility to the divine word. Jesus goes to dine at the home of one of the leading Pharisees.  Since the Pharisees love places of honor at banquets, one can suppose...

Vision that Evangelizes and Saves

Trust Firmly and Without Reservation

Jesus assures us that God trusts in us.  We trust God because he first trusts us. Better than any prophet, Jesus’ embodies the divine invitation to trust.  That is because the Teacher explains in simple terms that God is the heavenly Father who loves all his children...

Vision that Evangelizes and Saves

Rich and Precious in the Eyes of God

There is no trace of greed in Jesus, and he is most rich in what matters to God. Jesus refuses to intervene in an inheritance dispute.  Perhaps he does not want to do something that others may misconstrue as softness with those who love money.  What is certain,...