Ross Dizon


First and Greatest of All the Commandments

First and Greatest of All the Commandments

Jesus teaches that the first and the greatest of all the commandments is to love God and the neighbor.  The Teacher practices, moreover, what he teaches. According to Jewish teaching, there are 613 commandments.  Of these, 365 are prohibitions and 248 are positive...

First and Greatest of All the Commandments

Enthusiasm to Serve to the Bitter End

Jesus is the model of determined and enthusiastic service.  His true followers also serve to the end with determination and enthusiasm. One can rebuke Zebedee’s sons for not understanding and for being ambitious.  But we cannot accuse them of unwillingness, indecision...

First and Greatest of All the Commandments

Wholeness and Unity of the Body of Christ

Jesus gives spiritual gifts to us who gather in his name.  He expects us to keep the wholeness and unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. Right after Adam and Eve have given in to the serpent’s temptation, their personal wholeness starts to erode.  For they no...

First and Greatest of All the Commandments

Hostility Between the Serpent and Human Beings

Jesus is the Christ.  His mission is to bring the Good News to the poor.  He does not turn back in the face of hostility. After the disciples’ spokesman’s right confession that Jesus is the Christ, the latter warns them not to tell anyone about him.  That’s because he...

First and Greatest of All the Commandments

Inside the Heart Lies What Is Crucial

Jesus invites us to learn from him, for he is meek and humble of heart.  We show that we are true or false disciples by what comes out from inside our hearts. The Pharisees and the scribes question the religious observance of Jesus’ disciples.  And he, who...