Youth/Young Adults

Study finds a program that worX!

Have you ever bothered to study the long term results of your youth and young adult program?

How Do I Know What To Do Next Year?

Knowing what to do comes by a process called discernment. part of that process is listening to the stories of others. So listen (well, read....) My Experience by Stephanie Williams, Vincentian Service Corps - West Working at St. Vincent School has been a whirlwind of...

A Follow-Up on Faith and Service in the City

I want to thank Fr. Rooney for highlighting the Vincentian Leadership Institute: Faith and Service in the City, which held its final session of the year from August 5-August 11, 2018. This program at St....

Faith and Service in the City

It focuses on Catholic Social Teaching and social justice action through an exploration of theology, service and other activities throughout New York City.

#IamVincent @NU Philadelphia

#IamVincent @NU Philadelphia

In the Germantown section of Philadelphia, senior biology major Jeffrey Gansworth was one of eight students (and two chaperones) that performed work at centers that offered free food to diseased residents, shelters for the homeless, and after-school programs in the...

#IamVincent @NU Philadelphia

#IamVincent @NU Panama

10 Niagara students were joined by two university employees as they traveled to several locations in Panama. In what each participant called an “eye-opening experience,” the group spent time in the Nueva Vida nursing home and Hogar Malambo orphanage in Balboa – and...