Vincent de Paul

Formation in The Life And Writings of St. Vincent

Fr. Robert Maloney writes: “…the letters, documents, and conferences in the fourteen volumes of [St. Vincent de Paul’s] extant works are, for the most part, aimed at the formation of those whom Vincent had gathered together in the service of the poor…” See a timeline of St. Vincent’s principal formational undertakings.

St. Vincent de Paul: Confronting Poverty With Creativity

As we approach his feast day, let us reflect on the profound heritage that St. Vincent de Paul has entrusted to us, so that we may respond creatively to present day problems as we walk with those living in poverty.

The Life of St. Vincent de Paul As Parable

What lessons can be learned by observing key points in the life of St. Vincent? In working with the poor and marginalized, can we find contemporary stories and parables to use in evangelizing others?

Vincentian Gospel Reflections: Feast of St. Vincent de Paul

FEAST OF SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL September 27 Gospel: (Luke 4: 16-19) Jesus came to Nazareth where he had been reared, and entering the synagogue on the sabbath as he was in the habit of doing, he stood up to do the reading. When the book of the prophet Isaiah was...

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