Vincentian Family Office

Rules of Procedure for the Family: An Exemplar

The Vincentian Family Office (VFO) is happy to share the Rules of Procedure drawn up by the Vincentian Family National Council of Panama. We are working with them to help strengthen the other Vincentian Family National Councils who are preparing their own Rules of...

Maps? Now on Social!

Yes. Maps. The Vincentian Family Office is working with sophisticated mapping software to help the Vincentian Family be more effective. Click on the image to take a look at this spectacular "story-map" to get an idea of what will be available next year. It's a long...

International Advisers of the Vincentian Family Office

The Vincentian Family Office (VFO) presents the new group of International Advisers who will be working to strengthen the National Councils of the Vinentian Family. This meeting occurred Monday January 25th of this year and was held in the House Mary Immaculate, Via...

Vincentian Family International and National Leaders Gathering: January 2016

The first biennial Gathering of the Vincentian Family International and National Leaders’ Gathering was held in January of this year. Eighty participants coming from 36 countries representing 22 branches of the Family greeted and met each other in the common language...

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