United Kingdom

The First Vincentian Woman Priest of the Anglican Sisters of Charity

Dee Mansi shares her thoughts on women’s involvement in Church leadership after celebrating the 150th Anniversary of the Anglican Sisters of Charity – a branch of the Vincentian Family.

My Vincentian Visa Is Up To Date – Is Yours?

When we meet, we can’t help it – we talk “Vincentian.” We value and recall our roots. We are very much Vincent’s children living and acting in mission on the “signs of the times.”

Cloistered, Conflicted or Concerned – Which Are You?

Hopefully, we don’t remain too cloistered that we rely on our prayers to create concrete opportunities – speaking out to advocate for the helpless!

How the VFCAP Contributes to the Vincentian Mission

VFCAP has been very successful, reaching a total of 751 participants from 26 branches of the global Vincentian Family in 23 different countries over 6-year period.

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