
Millennials, Vincent and His 5 Values

A church characterized by the five virtues of Vincent de Paul might appeal to millennials and “nones”.

Imagery of Pope Francis – Lessons for Systemic Change

How the Pope’s Imagery on critical care can overlook long-term rehab got me thinking about implications of how some in the Vincentian Family view direct service and systemic change.

Vincent’s Values – A Spiritual Perspective

“The virtues described above in seventeenth and twentieth century forms are, to use St. Vincent ‘s phrase, the characteristic virtues of his followers. They are the signs by which his followers are meant to be recognized.”

“The Vincentian Question.”

Podcast: "The Vincentian Question." Edward R. Udovic, DePaul University The Vincentian experience over four centuries can be summarized as an answer to "the" Vincentian question: "What must be done?" What must be done here and now in the situation that faces us to...

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