Sisters of Charity Federation

Sisters of Charity Federation Annual Meeting Recap

From June 15-19, the Sisters of Charity Federation of North America held its Annual Leadership, CCFP & NGO Meeting in Emmitsburg, Maryland. One hundred leaders gathered representing two provinces of the Daughters of Charity and eleven congregations of Sisters of...

SC Federation of North America: A New Web!

Kristen Blacksher, Social Media & Web Content Specialist for the Sisters of Charity Federation, writes: We’ve been working since January to create a brand new website that shares our Gospel mission of Charity to the world, with a special emphasis on making the...

Students and Halifax sisters complete walls on House of Charity sponsored home

Sisters Sheilagh Martin and Evelyn Williams of the Sisters of Charity Halifax traveled to New Orleans, Louisiana for a week with 10 Mount Saint Vincent University students. They thoroughly enjoyed the hospitality of the sisters at the House of Charity while working on...

Systemic change programs of the Charity Federation This 16 minute video presents a report made at the last meeting of the Sisters of Charity Federation... Congratulations to Sr. Jean Rhoads DC, who presented the Systemic Change Report of the Federation...

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