Ross Dizon

Petty and Narrow Self-Interests

Jesus dies for us sinners.  That is how the God of unfathomable goodness proves his love for us as petty and stingy as we are. Our petty desires for gain, power and security hinder the revelation of truth.  And not knowing the truth leads to people’s...

Forsake the Ways and Thoughts of the World

Jesus teaches us to forsake the ways and thoughts of the world.  Replacing them with those of God, we become fools before the world, yet wise before God. To forsake the needy is a sure sign that one follows the ways and thoughts of the world.  And the parable of the...

Forgive as our heavenly Father Forgives

Jesus calls us to repentance and forgiveness.  And we heed his call in so far as we are ready to forgive our brothers and sisters. The Gospel teaches that we are to avoid those who refuse to listen even to the community.  But the teaching is no reason not to forgive...

Name that Is above Every Other Name

Christ is the reason why his followers bear the name of Christians.  They are other Christs, then, anointed to announce repentance and the kingdom of God. Jesus assures those who gather in his name and pray together that they will receive what they ask.  And it will...

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