Ross Dizon

Evangelizer of All Kinds of Poor People

Jesus is the Evangelizer of the poor.  All those who live announcing the Good News to the poor belong to him and are heirs to the kingdom. Jesus goes around to all towns and villages.  He teaches in the synagogues and proclaims the Gospel of the kingdom.  Moreover, he...

Faithful, and Not Lazy, Followers of Jesus

Going up to heaven, Jesus entrusts gifts and talents to his disciples.  He expects them to be faithful, no matter the kind or the amount of the gifts or talents they receive. In the parable of the talents, the good and faithful servants are those who right away trade...

Ready, Holding Lamps that Are Burning

Jesus is the bridegroom whom we await.  We will enter with him into the wedding feast, if with wisdom we stay awake and are ready, with our lamps burning. Jesus informs us that we really do not know the day or the hour of his coming.  He can come any day, even at an...

Simplicity that Is Unusual, yet Necessary

There is, in Jesus, consistency between thought and word, also between preaching and doing.  We are not Christians if we lack such simplicity. Jesus addresses this time the crowds and his disciples to reassure them.  That is because a religious leader’s bad behavior,...

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