Ross Dizon

Shepherds Who Are Good and Sheep That Discern

Jesus is the good Shepherd.  He knows his sheep, and they know and follow him.  But they run away from shepherds they do not know and whose voice they do not recognize. God condemns rulers who take advantage of their people.  They are shepherds who pasture...

Ghost – Phantom, Dead, Fright, False, Fake

Our Lord Jesus Christ is truly risen.  Those who genuinely believe in him meet him really alive in our midst.  He is not a ghost. The risen Jesus gives his disciples the greeting of peace.  But just the same, his sudden appearance frightens and surprises them.  They...

Missionaries just like the One Who Sends Them

Jesus is the model of the true missionary.  He sends us who claim to be Christians as his missionaries, for the sake of others. As the Father has sent him, so Jesus sends his disciples.  That is to say, God’s missionary par excellence, in turn, makes his disciples...

Unexpected and Glorious Outcome

God does not leave Jesus among the dead.  Nor does he let the one faithful to him till death know decay.  This is wonderful in our eyes, unexpected. Mary Magdalene goes to Jesus’ tomb and runs into something unexpected.  That is because she sees the tomb open. ...

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