Jesus is the model of the true missionary. He sends us who claim to be Christians as his missionaries, for the sake of others.
As the Father has sent him, so Jesus sends his disciples. That is to say, God’s missionary par excellence, in turn, makes his disciples missionaries.
And missionaries are expected to be like Jesus. They will imitate the one who does not accuse of cowardice those who lock themselves in a house. They shall follow him; he shows no displeasure with those who do not understand Scripture regarding the Messiah’s resurrection.
Nor does the Teacher chide the disciple who insists on seeing to believe. He shows understanding instead, and gives in to Thomas’ conditions. But he does not fail to say, “Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed.”
Just like Jesus, yes, missionaries will exude understanding and share peace. After all, fostering forgiveness, peace and reconciliation is part of their mission.
But those Jesus sends, his apostles, are no missionaries unless they bear courageous witness to his resurrection. It is crucial, then, for those who have never seen Jesus to be among those he proclaims blessed.
And what if we wonder whether we really believe that Jesus has truly risen? There is the suggestion that we believers prove ourselves through our commitment to the poor, to the good of others. With this commitment, there will no longer be any needy person among us.
No, missionaries after the heart of Jesus do not look out for their own interests, but for those of others. They do not shut themselves in one spot, which they not want to leave (SV.EN XII:81). They are missionaries on the go, with Jesus’ Spirit, conquering the world of greed and injustice with their deep faith.
Lord Jesus, though fearful, we gather together just the same every first day of the week. Please come and stand in our midst. May we become true missionaries.
8 April 2018
Second Sunday of Easter (B)
Acts 4, 32-45; 1 Jn 5, 1-6; Jn 20, 19-31