Ross Dizon

Memory of Jesus Christ’s Inventive Love

Jesus gave himself up for us.  Because we break the bread and bless the cup, we keep alive the memory of his love to the end. The memory of Jesus surely comforted St. Vincent de Paul.  That was why he was able to comfort others.  He comforted, for instance, a dying...

Mystery of God Hidden in Plain Sight

Jesus reveals that God, whom no one has ever seen, is love.  Those without love, then, do not know God nor, much less, the mystery of the Most Holy Trinity. Without doubt, Jesus is God’s last word to us human beings.  He is the mystery of God and in him are hidden all...

Picking out the Followers of Jesus Christ

Obviously, people no longer see us Christians follow Jesus or go with him. He is not with us as he was with Peter and the other disciples, for he has gone up to heaven. But this does not mean that there is no picking us out as followers of Jesus.

Grow up and Get Ready for the Life to Come

Jesus embodies the way to grow up and get ready for the life to come. Following him, we will get to the place that he readies for us and we will be where he is. Just before going up to heaven, Jesus does for his followers what he has already done for two of them. For...

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