Ross Dizon

Transform and Cleanse Society

Undoubtedly, Jesus seeks to transform society. He wants us, for instance, to share what we have with the needy and not look out only for ourselves.

Courageous, Watchful, Ready, Faithful

Jesus is the leader of those to whom the Father sees fit to give the kingdom.  Those who truly belong to him are courageous, watchful, ready, faithful. “Blessed are you who are poor, for the kingdom of God is yours,” taught Jesus earlier.  Now he says that such...

Wise and Rich Before God Along With Jesus

To be wise and rich before God means, above all, to follow Jesus and to live like him.

Pray, Ask, Seek and Knock as Jesus

Jesus embodies what to pray, ask, seek, knock is.  We Christians, then, strive to pray, ask, seek and knock as he teaches us. Mary Magdalene recognizes Jesus and calls him, “Teacher” because he first calls her, “Mary.”  And because God loves us first, we love also. ...

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