Ross Dizon

Worshipers of the Father in Spirit and Truth

Jesus embodies what to worship the Father in Spirit and truth means.  Hence, we Christians are to be such worshipers. We humans can spoil everything (SV.EN XI:247. 249. 310. 313. 388; SV.EN XII]:92. 131. 139).  We spoil worship of God even, and so become false...

Noise, Driving Wind, Tongues of Fire

Jesus sends us the Holy Spirit that comes from the Father (Jn 15, 26).  And not to have this Spirit is not to belong to Christ, and not be but noise. It is not that God likes noise.  In fact, he was in a soft whisper (1 Kgs 19, 12).  But he has to vie for people’s...

Heaven, Where the Risen Christ Is

Jesus went up to heaven and sits at the right hand of God.  That is why we gaze on him, the same one who also came down to earth. To rise with Christ means to seek what is in heaven (Col 3, 1).  But after the ascension, the eleven go forth to preach.  Is it due to...

Commandments that Make Love Known

Jesus embodies love.  And he sees to it that we catch this love.  Hence, he gives us commandments that will lead us to love as he loves. Jesus loves his own who are in the world not in theory but in practice.  And he does so before he teaches them his commandments; he...
Lies, Darkness and Polarizations

Spirit of Signs, Life as well as Truth

At the request of Jesus, God gives the Holy Spirit to those who love Jesus. First, the Spirit remains with those who prove they love Jesus by keeping his commandments.  As the presence of the Ascended one who has become the Giver of gifts, the Spirit equips believers...

Lies, Darkness and Polarizations

Farewell that Brings Life and Courage

Jesus encourages his followers as he bids them farewell.  He reveals that he is the way and the truth and the life. Jesus bids his followers farewell.  He knows it troubles them.  So, he says:  “Do not let your hearts be troubled.  You have faith in God; have faith...

Lies, Darkness and Polarizations

Burning, Listening and Welcoming

Jesus is the last word about unheeding, cold and uncaring hearts turning into hearts that listen, are burning and welcoming. The disciples heading toward Emmaus know that the word, like the flames shooting out of burning brush, spreads quickly.  Hence, the question of...

Lies, Darkness and Polarizations

Dawn Means Love and Return to the Source

The risen Jesus is the dawn from on high.  When we love him and keep his word, our darkness fades. Mary Magdalen visits the tomb at dawn.  Seeing the tomb open, she worries just as the religious leaders do.  It worries them that someone may steal the body of Jesus....

Lies, Darkness and Polarizations

Die as Does Jesus on the Cross

Obeying God and keeping his word, Jesus dies on the cross.  Christians ought to die in the same way. We hear, not rarely, “Such life, so too the end.”  That is to say, we die as we live.  So, St. Vincent rightly teaches that to die like Jesus Christ, one has to live...