Ross Dizon

Naked in the presence of Jesus

Jesus alone clothes the naked and fills those who are empty by sharing with them his mission to clothe the naked and fill those who hunger and thirst for justice and mercy. Peter, who is fishing naked—do those who have fishing as their occupation work naked...

Mission for Christians and Vincentians especially

Jesus commands us to get out of all confinement to take part, enabled by the Spirit and with courageous faith, in the mission of forgiveness and peace, of evangelization and healing. Though the doors of the house are locked, Jesus manages to enter.  He stands in the...

Faith working through love

Jesus wants us to have a faith that is firm as a rock and immense as the sea. This faith, made alive by love, prompts Mary of Magdala to go to Jesus’ tomb at the first opportunity.  Due to the same faith, this female disciple stays outside the tomb weeping, after...

Courage! Jesus leads us

Leading fearful disciples, who are also slow to understand, Jesus heads towards Jerusalem to face with courage his painful fate. Courage does not mean not agonizing at the specter of suffering and death. Jesus is in such agony that his sweat becomes “like drops of...

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