Ross Dizon

Die as Does Jesus on the Cross

Obeying God and keeping his word, Jesus dies on the cross.  Christians ought to die in the same way. We hear, not rarely, “Such life, so too the end.”  That is to say, we die as we live.  So, St. Vincent rightly teaches that to die like Jesus Christ, one has to live...

Now is the Day of the Resurrection and the Life

Jesus is the resurrection and life here and now for those who truly believe in him. We now experience in this earthly life anxieties, adversities, miseries and tragedies.  These things, however, should not worry us nor make us lose our peace.  In this regard, the key...

Welcome for the Marginalized and Excluded

As he gives welcome to the marginalized, Jesus reflects the invisible God.  This God listens to the poor, executing justice for the orphan and the widow, and befriending the alien. Jesus is unlike those who walk around with blinders.  As he passes by, he sees a blind...

Thirst and Hunger for God, Justice and Love

Meeting his thirst and hunger, Jesus gives us a model to follow, so that we may truly have our fill of water and food. Like us humans, Jesus gets tired and experiences thirst and hunger.  So, he sits down there at Jacob’s well in Sychar during the hottest part of the...

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