Pope Francis

Pope Confronts Slavery in World Day of Peace Message

Pope Francis Confronts Slavery in World Day of Peace Message – ‘Do not be complicit, indifferent to tragedy of exploitation,’ pope says

Archbishop Cupich, Pope Francis and St.Vincent

Archbishop Cupich, Pope Francis and St.Vincent – When I read this piece about Archbishop Cupich, Pope Francis’s first major U.S. appointment, I thought immediately of St. Vincent de Paul, and indeed just about all the founders of the the various branches of the Vincentian Family. What do you think?

“The joys and hopes” – Gaudium et Spes begins its 50 year

“The joys and hopes” – Gaudium et Spes (Vatican II) begins its 50th year – How does the church based on a document two thousand years old, relate that past to the present?” There are two joyful authoritative answers to that “Gaudium et Spes” and “Evangelii Gaudium”.

Journey through Advent with Pope’s daily homilies

Journey through Advent with Pope’s daily homilies – Now that’s an idea!

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