
Towards the Peripheries of Life (10): Nador – Alhucemas

It is dawning again in Alhucemas and we go back again to the daily routine, but the moments, the laughter and the presence of God is renewed. We savour the time, we do not get bored, there is always something to do. It is a blessing for us to see life through these...

Towards the Peripheries of Life (9): The Community in Alhucemas

Sunday, day for celebrating and sharing the Eucharist in community: the people that were in Nador moved to Alhucemas very early in the morning. In the reunion, there were many hugs, smiles and quick talks to try to share everything lived during the past days. Once...

Towards the Peripheries of Life (7 and 8): Mount Gurugú, Dar-Heiria (House of the Poor), Dar Asalaam (House of Peace)

Dar Asalaam (Al Hucemas) We woke up in this new city to get to know the Dar Asalaam (House of Peace), where the Brothers of the White Cross welcome Alhucemas kids who have functional diversities. It is Friday and it is time to learn a little more about the Qur'an, we...

Towards the Peripheries of Life (6): Nador (Morocco)

"How beautiful and great is to know, love and serve God! It's the only thing we have to do in the world. Everything else is wasted time" – Andrea Varela and Sergio Vicente We got up early to head to the border. Once we pass Spanish customs, an unknown world opens up...