
What Paul, Vincent de Paul, and Martin Luther King Never Dreamed

We all get surprised by life and its ups and downs. We are often forced to rethink our dreams. Sometimes we discover or rediscover our mission through these ups and downs.

Deep Christianity — Deep Charism

Though the lives and writings of our holy foundresses and founders are a profound source of wisdom, guidance, interpretation and praxis, to understand our charism -- that gift of the Spirit that Jesus shares with us -- it's good to remember that Jesus always asks his...

Would a Missionary give up Swahili (Facebook) for Lent?

What’s the first thing a missionary does? Learn the language. This is the language of the world we live. I’m sorry if you don’t like it. You could go “okay, I don’t like Swahili.”

Formation rooted in a theology of Mission

From August 25-29, the formation session on “the theology of the mission” (promoted by CLAPVI) took place in Fazendo de Engenho/Caraça (Brazil). Forty-seven persons participated: twenty-nine priests, three deacons, one brother, seven seminarians in their first year of studies and seven Daughters of Charity.

Formation rooted in a theology of Mission

Formation rooted in a theology of Mission

From August 25-29, the formation session on “the theology of the mission” (promoted by CLAPVI) took place in Fazendo de Engenho/Caraça (Brazil). Forty-seven persons participated: twenty-nine priests, three deacons, one brother, seven seminarians in their first year of studies and seven Daughters of Charity.