
Stand Up and Go! (2 Kings, 5:14-17; Lk 17:11-19)

For all of us who have been through the pandemic, we know first-hand how disease and sickness have a way of separating us, how they can isolate and cut us off from the rest of life.

Acceptance — And Ingenuity (Luke 16:1-13)

Scripture Scholars tell us that the meaning behind the word “parable” is curve, as in throwing a curve.

Prioritizing (Lk 14: 25-9)

There are hardly any words in all the gospels more blunt than the stark ones Jesus proclaims in Luke’s 14th chapter.

Widening The Gate (Luke 13:22-30)

One of Jesus’ more intriguing images is that of the gate, the entranceway into his Father’s Kingdom. Entrance depends in large part on the practical steps we take to build the kind of unity, accord and cooperation that reflects his Father’s world.

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