Louise de Marillac

St. Louise’s Road to Humility

A presentation from Chapter 15 of “Louise de Marillac: Come Winds or High Waters” by Élisabeth Charpy, D.C., (2018).

Louise de Marillac and the Priests of the Mission

Louise reflected on what she came to know about the early Congregation of the Mission and, as she liked to do with the important events of her life, she put her reflections into writing. The relationship and collaboration between St. Louise, the Daughters of Charity,...

The Prayer Life of Louise de Marillac

“As we say about some of the people in the Bible, so too we can say that Louise walked with God (Cf., Genesis 5:22).”

St. Louise: In Her Own Words

Reading the letters of St. Louise helps us see her humanness, as opposed to thinking of her as some faraway Saint.

“Dream Dreams” prayer service

“Dream Dreams” prayer service

The wording of this prayer service was originally used at a Vincentian Family Gathering with Fr. Gregory Gay at the conclusion of his visitation with Vincentians of the Eastern Province, U.S.A. It is about dreaming... of expanding our vision, of increased...