
Vincentian Prayer Images: What Would Vincent Say Today

What do you think he might say if you asked him about recent events in our world?

‘We have only one enemy. It is called inequality’ SSVP

SSVP CEO – ‘We have only one enemy. It is called inequality’. The St Vincent de Paul Society drew on this principle in our response to the 2015–16 (Australian) Federal Budget.

My humanity is bound up in yours

“My humanity is bound up in yours.” So writes Meghan Clark in an article that addresses the stark contrast between Catholicism and libertarianism and speaks to the underpinnings of so much of the Vincentian Family’s concern for those who are marginalized.

My humanity is bound up in yours

“My humanity is bound up in yours.” So writes Meghan Clark in an article that addresses the stark contrast between Catholicism and libertarianism and speaks to the underpinnings of so much of the Vincentian Family’s concern for those who are marginalized.

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