
Sharing on Social: #famvin400 as a Resource

Many people are sharing news of our Family happenings and hopes. But social media can be a quick way of sharing important resources. Yesterday, I discovered a document just sitting around waiting to be downloaded. It's a document for people concerned about welcoming...

National Day of Prayer for Migrants and Refugees

Just as we are about to begin our year of welcoming the stranger, the Catholic bishops of the United States have designated today, December 12, the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, as a national day of prayer for migrants and refugees. Below are excerpts from...

Welcoming the Stranger initiative of the SVDP

Newly Approved SVdP Immigration Position Paper Stresses “Welcoming the Stranger” The new position paper should be of interest to all branches of the Vincentian Family at a number of levels. It represents a comprehensive approach to a very complicated series of issues...

Ecumenical Agreement – Family detention unworthy of US

Ecumenical Agreement – Family detention unworthy of US

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