
The Company of a Winding River

Few things in nature compare to the company of a winding river. There is a special posture of presence, an invitation to prayer, when one enters a river space. It is the paradox of rushing and calm—a simultaneous acceptance of great mystery paired with rooted...

The “Mystique” and the “Mystic”

One says mystique and the other says mystic. How do we understand a Vincent who liked to use this motto: "Action is our entire task," and then would add, “Perfection does not come from ecstasy but rather from doing the will of God.” (SV 11:41. 317). Contemplative in...

#famvin400 Praying with a Broken Heart

When people say they have a broken heart, they have entered a deep poverty. They pray, and sometimes there's no answer. Vincentians are called to serve body and spirit. Listen to this Sarah Hart song. https://youtu.be/WBecGxKmEKM [box type="tick" size="large"...

Broken Open and Rebuilt

I find that people have a keen sense of recognizing when something significant has happened in a person’s life, and that they want to ask about it. The problem, however is often –words. “How was your semester abroad?” “How was the wedding? “The funeral?” “What was...

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