John Freund

Falling In Love With “Real Families”

It is a shame that most people only hear polarized pundits cherry-picking from a select few paragraphs, or even just footnotes, in what in reality is an inspiring document describing and addressed to the real family of today.

How Could This Happen?

“All God’s people carry within themselves the same potencies that energized the early Christian movement…”

The Contagion of Christianity

Do others experience God’s love for them mirrored by our lives? Is it any wonder that Jesus speaks of the final judgement in terms of what we do for the unrecognized, bruised and broken Christ in our midst?

Lost Your Identity?

If we lose proof of who we are and the joys and sorrows of our lives, something very precious is gone.

Is the Church a Closet?

Is the Church a Closet?

Is the Church like a closet where we wistfully keep things from the past, a dreary chamber filled only with us, our problems and our disappointments? Then it will be impossible to recognize God’s silent and unassuming presence.

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