John Freund

The Spirituality of “Nouns and Adjectives”

It could be said that we are living in a culture of adjectives that forgets about the nouns that name the reality of things.  But also a culture of the insult as the first reaction to any opinion that I do not share. 

Unrecognized Experts

People experiencing poverty have an expertise that can not be taught in a classroom. They know their situation from the inside. They understand many dimensions of poverty that may not occur to us.

The “Before” and the “After” of the Ascension

The question “why are you looking at the sky?” is addressed to us today. Today, we are those dazed apostles looking up rather than within and around ourselves.

A Daring Prudence – Systemic Change

“… create a Family that looks to the past for inspiration, but is also eager to create a vibrant innovative collaborative future in the service of the most abandoned.” Fr. Robert Maloney

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